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Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3rd,
the ultimate statement,

a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard
a person who gives assistance; patron; a supporter
a member of the same nation, party

How many friends do you guys have in facebook/friendster currently?
100? 200? 300? or even 400?
Analyse the above definition,
and contemplate.
My bet is 3/4 are hi-bye friends,
and only a quarter considerably f-r-i-e-n-d-s.

Self expression,
or I should say expressing thoughts/feelings in words that smooths the ears,
is not my type.
Facts, truth, feelings, opinions
everybody asking for it.
But the point is,
do you want to listen to it?
are you able to accept what I've shared?

Numerous times,
I share,
my thoughts, my opinions, my feelings,
but the response was negative.
All in all,
it just simply exacerbate the relations.

Ringing a bell,
I used to utter meaningless language like,
she and you are closer,
he/she doesn't like me,
you're always siding her.
These just annoys, displeases you,
isn't it?

If these sharing bring about a set of unhappiness,
the bust-up relations,
it's appropriate for me not to bring up anymore,
isn't it?

Every words, every say, every sentence,
out from my mouth
there's a reason.

Let me share with you something I would never erase from my mind.
Years back,
I chance upon her holding a packet of chocolates, nicely wrapped.
To be exact,
it was Diva chocolates, and it was a treat,
a treat from you.
Without knowing it was a treat,
I questioned: How much was the chocolates?
Together with an awkward silence,
the reply was: Errr, a treat, a treat from you.
Light heartedly,
I whispered what about me?
The comeback from you was,
She couldn't afford to buy the chocolates at that point of time.

The chocolates was not what I'm looking after,
it's the heart that counts,
the thoughts that matters.

Skipping that,
I remembered,
it was a routine for her calling you at night,
chatting, talking about every single little things.
These calls,
does not include me or to be precise,
probably once or twice I'm counted in.
Or the truth is,
I don't like lengthy hours call?

Not to mention,
the birthday gifts,

Speaking of the home early.
I don't like to be home only after dark.
I'm timorous,
I trembles,
I have cold feets each time I see the 7th floor drunk man.
To be home early,
is a freedom from danger.
Of course,
I still do enjoy late nights,
but that's only when there's an accompany home.

These 6 years,
it's all shallow,
it's all surface.
Thinking of what you've wrote,
I ought to agree with it?

The friendship is surface,
the friendship is shallow,
the feelings are not,
the memories shared exist.

Friday, August 27, 2010

27 August,
1 week, 2 days to 6 September.

Major exam,
6th September-9th September

Kayden's full month,
11th September

Hong Kong getaway,
17 September-21 September

Busy September ahead!
I can foresee,
a carefree,
zhilei (after 9th September of course)


Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm amused,
by the actions of his,
the doings of his,
the words of his,
the attitude of his,
the every moves of his

Joke, more than a joke.

Human beings are god's creation
A creation to bring life,
miracle to this world
But, rather than bringing these to the world,
HE brings troubles,
problems and more

A heartless, hopeless failure that fails at everything

Every child is a gift from god?
Try giving birth to a son with nothing but just shits for you to clear for all his 22 years of life and not appreciating what you've done for him

KARMA/DEATH will befalls on you,
I'm sitting up for the day to come.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I never want to be in this state.
She never want to be in this state.

A state where,
there's no one I/She can turn to,
no one I/She can share my/her sorrow with.
The plight I'm/She's dealing with, the life I'm/She's leading.

Gulping down every single word,
every single tears,
every single unjust treatment.

Years passes.
The tolerance of a full truckload of what she does not deserve,
not a smile,
not a taste of happiness,
has gone beyond the limits of forbearance.

Saying goodbye,
the sole way to alleviate the sufferings.

Holding the keys to the door of happiness all by herself,
the door to happiness for us,
where is it?

I'm abandoned for goodness sake.

Monday, August 2, 2010

It's been awhile.

How are you?
How have you been?
How 's life?
These simple greetings,
warmth the heart, mend the bust-up relations
Too bad,
neither of the parties chose to take the first step
Who to blame?
Me, myself.

a bowl of cherries,
simple and pleasant
a choice,
we hold the chance of it.

I loathe myself for being stuck in the past.
The place where I catch a glimpse of happiness, an authentic smile.
The memories I used to have,
the silence I used to enjoy,
the bits and pieces of a happy,
bliss family.

I'm still present, at the same place,
where memories makes me mad,
where silence makes me cry,
where I have to incept the happiness I'm looking for.
I'm waiting for a train, a train that will take me far away.

Where's the train?

ps: I'm no longer who I am.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Somewhere's not right,
Somewhere's wrong.

What's the truth?

I need,
I want,
I'm dying for,
A pleasant outcome.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Time check: 9 June, 2010 10.42pm

1 hour 58 minutes,
I'll turn 19.

Thinking of this 19 years,
this 19 years road,
I'm taught,
I'm loved,
I've grown,
I've learn.

Well, let me reminisce the past 18 years then.

Harking back the previous celebrations I had,
I'm contented,
the smiles,
the joy,
the merry times,
I'll lock it up in my heart.

The smiles, the joy, the merry times I had on the 10th of June

So, how would this year 10th of June be like?

Time passes like lightning,
As a blink of eyes,
I'm turning 19.

A few more years down the road,
I'll complete my teen years and enter the adult stage.
A stage where I would no longer be called an immature youngster but an adult.
An immature adult?

All right,
let me end it off with,

omg, thick-skinned.

ps: Thanks each and everyone out there that play a part in my life!
You guys rock!

*My profile.

Born on the 10/6/91.
Sweet 18.
Currently attached to my 1 & only cutie Show罗志祥.


Show 罗志祥.
Everything tt's branded & everything tt's mine. =)


Be with darling show.
Money $.$
Travelling around the world.
Get hold of all the BRANDED.
羅志祥2010曼哈頓舞法舞天3D WORLD LIVE TOUR.
Stage clothes & accessories.
Bottega Veneta bracelet.
Cartier love bracelet.
Bvlgari B.zero1 18 kt white gold pendant necklace.
Tiffany and Co bracelet.
Tiffany and Co necklace.
Nintendo DS.
Ellesse watch.
Vodafone 903SH.
Sit A380 at least once in my lifetime.
GPA above 3.2.
18 points & below for my 'O's results.
Be a ''well-known singer'' haa.

My tagboard.